Monday, 13 August 2012

WSH :ATO Retain Reservations

There are several reasons why a shipper can backorder at the time of ship confirmation ,Some of the reasons could be ..

       The material could not be found at the staging area
       Customer wants to cancels the orders ,Customer service seeking the shipper to backorder to enable
But at the same time ,Backordering removes the reservations in a normal MTS orders ,Incase of ATO ,Oracle does provides an otion of retaining the reservation ,Otherwise the ATO Would create one more supply

WSH :ATO Retain Reservations controls whether we can retain the reservations at the time of backordering .

Monday, 12 March 2012

Star Item...

Oracle calls the uniquely configured item as a STAR item ,But star is just one of the option as a delimiter and has its own disadvantages ...

In our implementation ,we explored + ,- , & ,% and other special characters as delimiter .Finally decided to go with '-' .One of the disadvantages of using * as a de-limter is if you are using scanning devices ,Some of the font like code 39 translates * to a different character .

Monday, 9 January 2012

Order Number -Manual

Is it possible to have order number manual ? Yes ...It is possible .

Whenver we create a OM transaction type ,There is a document category created with the same name .We assign the document category to a document sequence to marry the transaction type and the document sequence .

If you need the order numbering to be manual ,You have to create the document sequence as Manual and when you assign it to the document category mark it as Manual.This would allow you to enter the order number manually by the user whenver this transaction type is used .