Saturday, 8 October 2011

No Place for Customer PO Price .

This is intresting ....?

Lets say you and your customers have pricing agreements Say for Item A Price is 100 $
and this is mainated in PL in oracle ,Now see the step by step scenario

Customer sends PO to CS with Item A as 90$
CS enters the order and find the price as 100$
CS Puts the order on hold ,Contacts customers and asks to re-issue the PO with the
correct price

How many times this can happen with the customer service and dont you think this would lead to less productivity of customer service and unwanted calls to customer on pricing errors becoz of customers not maintaining the agreed upon price in his system ...and re-issue of paper (waste of paper !!!! ) etc etc ..

When i was told ,the customer service does this process everytime when the price is wrong ,i certainly realized this would bring the productivity of the CS team down ! What could be a solution ?

I was exploring if there are any standard fields to store the customer PO price and run a report at the end of day/week to see all the orders where Original PO price and List Price does not match and take corrective actions wherever possible ,Unfortunately there is no such field and No place to store the customer PO price ...( Got to move to DFF /Other options ..)

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